
Why Your Teeth and Gums Hurt After You Quit Smoking

Dentist Blog

If you have recently quit smoking, you should feel proud. It is no easy feat, at least according to a recent study which found that it takes smokers up to 30 attempts to quit before they can make it to a year without smoking. Smoking affects your health in a number of ways, none of them good, and even after you quit, it will take years for your body to fully recover.

6 August 2017

Maintain That Charming Smile With These Oral Care Tips

Dentist Blog

Having a set of healthy, pearl white teeth is something to be grateful for because it plays a great part in boosting a person's confidence and self-esteem when they step out of the house to face a new day. If you want to maintain a beautiful smile, here are some basic oral care tips you need to follow. Brush and floss the right way Almost everyone knows that they are supposed to brush and floss their teeth regularly, but not many people know how to go about it the right way.

26 July 2017

5 Benefits of Metal Braces

Dentist Blog

There are countless articles online extolling the virtues of ceramic braces or Invisalign retainers, but metal braces are still an option. Wondering about the benefits of metal? Take a look at this list: 1. Metal Braces Tend to Be the Least Expensive Option In most cases, metal braces are the cheapest option. They tend to be less expensive than more discreet options, and whether you are paying out of pocket or using an insurance policy, that can help you to save.

20 July 2017

The Essential Oils That Can Actually Help Your Dental Health

Dentist Blog

The scientific evidence behind essential oils and medicine is not always as strong as some proponents would have you believe. With that in mind, as long as you exercise a bit of caution and don't expect miracles from nothing, essential oils can certainly be of use. Although the possibilities are wide and varied, one of the areas a few essential oils can be of particular use is with your oral health.

19 July 2017

Can a Cosmetic Dentist Match the Colours of Old and New Dental Restorations?

Dentist Blog

A good dentist does not work alone. Their team may consist of a dental assistant or two, a dental therapist, and a dental hygienist. They work together to maintain and restore their patients' teeth. However, when it comes to dental restorations such as veneers and crowns, that responsibility falls solely to the ceramist. A good ceramist is crucial to the creation of reliable and beautiful dental restorations, but even they may struggle to match an old crown with a new veneer, for example.

19 July 2017

Misconceptions About Tooth Whitening and Other Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Dentist Blog

If you're teeth are very yellow or otherwise discoloured, or a few of them are slightly crooked or improperly sized, you don't need to live with an unsightly smile for the rest of your life. There are many things that can be done to improve the appearance of teeth, quickly and easily, and very affordably. Note a few misconceptions you might have about cosmetic dental procedures so you can better understand your options for taking care of your teeth and for improving your overall smile, and then discuss your options with a dentist as needed.

18 July 2017

Six Little Items That Can Help You Avoid a Denture Repair

Dentist Blog

Unfortunately, dentures can break, but if you take the right precautions, you can avoid breakage and keep your dentures in tip-top shape. To protect your dentures, there are a few key items that you may want to have on hand. Consider stocking up with the items on this list. 1. Alarm Ideally, you should take out your dentures at the end of every day. That gives your gums a chance to rest over night, and it helps protect the dentures from the germs and debris in your mouth.

18 July 2017

3 Important Reasons Why You Should Brush Your Teeth Before Bed

Dentist Blog

Most people will have been told at some point in their lives that it's best for tooth brushing to occur right before going to bed. Of course, it's easy to forget to do so, and some people assume that they can just brush their teeth at other times of day without having any impact on their oral health. Unfortunately, when you brush your teeth is just as important as actually doing it, and there's more than one reason why you need to take care of things just before you hit the hay.

12 July 2017

Implant Dentures: The Perfect Alternative to Traditional Dentures

Dentist Blog

If wearing traditional dentures makes you feel self conscious, you may want to choose implant dentures instead. False teeth can be cumbersome, a hassle to look after and can even cause pain if they are a bad fit. With implant dentures, you no longer need to worry about dentures falling out or staying in place. There are no adhesives to fiddle with every morning and no telltale glass by the side of the bed.

11 July 2017

Smile Makeovers: All About Their Aesthetic Components in Dental Procedures

Dentist Blog

Simple as it is, your smile is one of the most expressive things you carry with you every day. It can tell people about your mood and confidence level. Having a bad feeling about your smile can dent your confidence and self-esteem, changing the way people perceive you. Thankfully, you can have a smile makeover from a cosmetic dentist and get your confidence groove back on track. The dentist will perform several aesthetic procedures to redeem the looks of your teeth, alongside other related features.

10 July 2017