Raul Banks

Important Things to Know About Dentures

Dentist Blog

Your smile is an important part of your personality. In an ideal world, your smile would be eternal. The reality is that over time, due to accidents and even illness, your smile will change. When these things happen, it may be time to look into dentures to restore your vibrant smile. The following are some important things to know about dentures.  Types There are three main types of dentures that you may be able to choose for your needs.

20 January 2019

Child Dental Injuries and How to Go About Them

Dentist Blog

Children are prone to accidents as they play either in your house or outside. You need to be informed on how to effectively handle these injuries especially dental injuries to prevent long-lasting damage. Note common mouth injuries your child may get and how to remedy them. Cracked, Chipped, Broken, Loosened or Knocked-Out Tooth When you hear your child cry out after hitting himself or herself, you may panic and run to check on the problem.

8 December 2018

Can You Have Braces With a Tongue Piercing?

Dentist Blog

If you've decided to have your tongue pierced, then you'll be keen to get this done as soon as you can. You can't wait to get the piercing and show it off. However, there are times when tongue piercings don't work as well as others. For example, if you're about to have braces fitted, then your orthodontist may have asked you to put the piercing on hold. Do you really have to wait until your orthodontic treatment is finished?

2 November 2018

Is it better to purchase an existing orthodontics practice or start your practice?

Dentist Blog

The orthodontics practice has gained significant prominence more so since it is serving a variety of customers; from children, teens, to parents. What's more, it is likely to continue to expand. After training, you are likely to join an existing practice as an associate. However, what if you are ready to become independent in your career? Would it be more rewarding for you to buy an existing practice, or would you instead start your practice?

5 September 2018

Why Is Your Dentist Recommending an Implant Supported Bridge?

Dentist Blog

If you're missing a couple of teeth, then you may have decided to have the gap bridged. While you may have initially thought that your dentist would use a traditional bridge, they may suggest that you have an implant-supported bridge instead. How does this kind of bridge work, and what are its merits? What Is an Implant-Supported Bridge? Dental bridgework uses a small partial denture to cover gaps in the teeth.

17 August 2018

Tooth Whitening Techniques That Can Mask Even the Worst Stains

Dentist Blog

Whether caused by dental caries, fluorosis, trauma or just age, everyone has dental staining of some kind. Because of this fact, teeth whitening processes have come a long way in the last few decades, with many new and efficient methods of tooth whitening now available. But what are some of these new methods? And how can they help whiten your teeth? Whitening Toothpaste Most whitening toothpastes differ from normal toothpastes in that they contain more detergents, abrasives and often some hydrogen peroxide, carbamide or another bleaching agent, which lightens tooth colour.

25 July 2018

The Factors That Make Dental Implants More Complicated – But Not Impossible

Dentist Blog

There are several good options for replacing lost teeth, but since implants became widely available, they've become highly popular. It's easy to see why. They're about as close as you can get to growing new natural teeth, and they negate some of the difficulties people face with dentures. Dental implants are a great solution for many people with tooth loss, but there are some situations where getting them is a bit more complicated.

25 June 2018

A Chip off the Wrong Block: How Serious Is a Chipped Tooth?

Dentist Blog

Chipping your tooth might feel unpleasant and, when the result is obvious, can also look unpleasant. Whether it was an unavoidable accident or an avoidable accident (such as trying to open a bottle or container with your teeth), the chip might end up being an issue that is not particularly serious. Ideally your dentist will examine the damage and inform you that you could simply live with the chipped tooth if it hasn't caused damage that will compromise your overall dental health.

23 May 2018

Is It Possible to Whiten Your Teeth When You Have Braces?

Dentist Blog

If you have braces on your teeth, you might well be looking forward to the day when they're removed. Their job will be done, it's time to say goodbye, and your teeth will have been straightened to the desired degree. Mission accomplished in that department, but in addition to having straight teeth, you could also be chasing the total package—teeth that are both straight and noticeably white. You could certainly begin to focus on tooth whitening once your braces are removed, but what if you don't want to wait?

19 April 2018

Don't Pop It! And Other Things You Need to Know About a Dental Abscess

Dentist Blog

If you're the sort of person who can't resist picking at a pimple or blackhead, then you're not the sort of person who will cope too well with a dental abscess. OK, in all honesty, nobody is really going to cope too well with a dental abscess. They range from being uncomfortable to being painful, and there is also the disconcerting realisation that a rather serious infection has caused the issue.

26 March 2018