Hey! I'm Frankie, and welcome to my dental advice blog. I'm a foodie and I love sweet treats, but I also love my teeth! It can be hard to keep your dental health in top condition when you've got a sweet tooth, but it's not impossible. Over the years, I've learned tons of great advice from friends, family members and dentists, and I'd love to share it with you. My blog is here to give you all the tips and tricks you need to stay free of decay and other tooth problems without giving up all your favourite foods and snacks.
Most people assume that orthodontic treatment is something that only becomes necessary once all adult teeth have come through, but that isn't always the case. Many children will rather benefit from two-phase orthodontic treatment. While traditional single-phase treatment involves the use of a single orthodontic device once all adult teeth have erupted, two-stage treatment combines one treatment while some baby teeth are still present with another once all adult teeth have emerged.
While you might be hesitant to try orthodontic treatment so early in your child's life, two-stage treatment has several advantages. Here are just five.
1. Prevent Overcrowding
Baby teeth form a vital role in helping adult teeth erupt properly. This means committing to orthodontic treatment early can help ensure your child's permanent teeth come in straight to avoid overcrowding. This isn't just a cosmetic issue — treating potential crowding issues early can significantly reduce the risk of permanent teeth needing to be extracted in the future.
2. Encourage Healthy Jaw Development
It's much easier to encourage proper jaw development while your child is still young since they'll have a lot of growing left to do. The early stage of a two-stage treatment plan is particularly valuable for normalizing the relationship between jaws. This helps avoid bite problems later on and can keep your child free from painful temporomandibular (TMJ) problems.
3. Avoid Corrective Surgery
Children will generally be a little hesitant about undergoing orthodontic treatment so early. However, the early stage of treatment is generally less invasive than you might think and rarely involves fixed braces. More importantly, opting for orthodontic treatment now can help avoid more invasive treatments later. Many of the issues that can be treated easily now through orthodontics will require corrective surgery if treatment occurs later.
4. Break Bad Habits
It's common for children to develop bad habits that can negatively impact their oral health. Common issues include thumb sucking and abnormal swallowing, both of which can result in the need for braces or retainers as a child grows older. However, early orthodontic intervention is a great way to help break those habits.
5. Avoid Dental Trauma
Many children have upper front teeth that stick out more than is normal. While this can certainly be cute, it also increases the risk of physical trauma either breaking those teeth or knocking them out far earlier than they would come out naturally. Early orthodontic treatment can help by bringing those front teeth back into proper alignment.
Speak to a children's dentist to learn more.
Share11 April 2023