Dental Advice for the Sweet Tooth

Hey! I'm Frankie, and welcome to my dental advice blog. I'm a foodie and I love sweet treats, but I also love my teeth! It can be hard to keep your dental health in top condition when you've got a sweet tooth, but it's not impossible. Over the years, I've learned tons of great advice from friends, family members and dentists, and I'd love to share it with you. My blog is here to give you all the tips and tricks you need to stay free of decay and other tooth problems without giving up all your favourite foods and snacks.

The Halitosis Penalty of Untreated Cavities: Why Untreated Cavities Leave You with a Smelly Breath

Dentist Blog

There are many downsides to leaving dental cavities untreated. The most obvious one is that unless you drastically change your diet, the affected tooth will eventually die. A dentist will then need to extract it and you will be faced with further dental woes that could have been avoided if you had only acted sooner. One less frequently mentioned; but by no means less important outcome, is bad breath.

Cavities, also referred to as caries or by the broader term of tooth decay, are caused by bacteria and when bacterial organisms are present in large numbers, halitosis soon ensues.

The Cause of Bad Breath

According to research, around 85 percent of bad breath originates in the oral cavity.  Of course, your diet may also lead to bad breath. For example, if you regularly consume pungent foods such as garlic, onion and cheese before brushing your teeth, your breath is likely to be rather unpleasant. However, the main cause of bad breath is bacteria.

There are over 400 species of bacteria in a typical human mouth. These microbial organisms feed on foods that you eat on a daily basis, consuming the tiny particles that remain on your teeth, gums and tongue. Like all living things, however, bacterial organisms produce waste. This waste comes in the form of gaseous sulphur compounds and lactic acid.

If you don't brush your teeth enough, the gas produced by these bacterial organisms causes your breath to become unpleasant. "Morning breath" is a perfect example of bad breath caused by bacteria. However, the lactic acid produced by the bacteria then begins to break down the enamel surface of your teeth. Once this acid completely dissolves the first layer of a tooth, cavities form, and the bacteria are able to access the affected teeth. 

Halitosis Caused by Cavities

Under normal circumstances, your usual oral hygiene habits of brushing and flossing are enough to remove many of these smelly bacterial organisms. However, once bacteria gain access to a tooth, they are much harder to remove. Safe inside the interior of the decaying tooth, these bacterial organisms can continue to metabolize the sugars you eat whilst producing smelly gases and more lactic acid.

Thus, your breath will begin to smell on a regular basis, no matter what you do. Not only that, but the lactic acid will continue to eat away at the dentin layer beneath the enamel until eventually, the bacteria gain access to the nerve. When that happens, the nerve will die and the bacteria will feast on its remains, producing more gases, and cause halitosis.

Not only will this become unpleasant for you and those around you, but if you leave the tooth untreated, you will eventually lose it. See your dentist immediately if you think your bad breath is caused by a cavity. By removing the decay and filling in the damage, your dentist can save the tooth and save you the embarrassment that comes with bad breath.

Contact a general dentistry service near you for more information and assistance. 


18 June 2017