Dental Advice for the Sweet Tooth

Hey! I'm Frankie, and welcome to my dental advice blog. I'm a foodie and I love sweet treats, but I also love my teeth! It can be hard to keep your dental health in top condition when you've got a sweet tooth, but it's not impossible. Over the years, I've learned tons of great advice from friends, family members and dentists, and I'd love to share it with you. My blog is here to give you all the tips and tricks you need to stay free of decay and other tooth problems without giving up all your favourite foods and snacks.

Two Front Teeth Veneer Tribulations: 3 Likely Limitations of Opting for Just Two Front Teeth Veneers

Dentist Blog

If your budget is limited or you only have an issue with your two front teeth, you may be wondering whether it is aesthetically feasible to opt for just two porcelain veneers. Although just two veneers can transform a smile under the right conditions there are several limitations to this:

Space May be Limited

When the issue you have is that your two central incisors are crooked, your upper dental arch is likely too small or narrow to accommodate all your teeth. The teeth on either side may be relatively straight, but the two central incisors may overlap due to the lack of available space.

In this case, your dentist and ceramist will be working with very limited space. The end result could be that the veneers are too narrow and long and therefore may not match the rest of your teeth.

You should probably seek orthodontic treatment either instead of, or before veneers. Sometimes, all that is needed is for your teeth to be straightened via braces.

Matching the Colours Will be More Difficult

Opting for just two veneers also means that matching the colour of your veneers with your natural teeth will be more of a challenge. This is why it might be advisable for you to have your teeth whitened before your veneers are created to ensure a better match.

Size and Shape Could be an Issue

When you smile, you may display anywhere from 6-12 teeth. If you only opt for front teeth veneers then, size and shape could also be an issue. Your dentist and ceramist will need to find the perfect balance between shape and size in order to ensure your veneers match the rest of your visible teeth.

Additionally, if you wish to close a substantially large gap between your two front teeth by using only two veneers, just imagine how big those two teeth will need to be to adequately close the gap. 

Ideally, you should give your dentist at least 4-6 veneers to work with. This will make creating a more natural smile a simpler matter.

Two Veneers Can Transform a Smile

Despite the limitations, it isn't necessarily uncommon for cosmetic dentists to work with just two veneers. Many patients simply want to close a small gap between their two front teeth or wish to cover up an injury. However, do keep the above-mentioned risks in mind when deciding what is best for you.

If you are unsure what might be best for you in your situation, seek out the counsel of a reputable cosmetic dentist near you. Many cosmetic dentists offer a free initial consultation and can help you decide how best to give you the smile you desire. 


17 June 2017