Dental Advice for the Sweet Tooth

Hey! I'm Frankie, and welcome to my dental advice blog. I'm a foodie and I love sweet treats, but I also love my teeth! It can be hard to keep your dental health in top condition when you've got a sweet tooth, but it's not impossible. Over the years, I've learned tons of great advice from friends, family members and dentists, and I'd love to share it with you. My blog is here to give you all the tips and tricks you need to stay free of decay and other tooth problems without giving up all your favourite foods and snacks.

5 Tips For Managing Morning Sickness and Dental Care

Dentist Blog

Dental care during pregnancy is important to ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy. However, many women struggle to tolerate dental appointments because of pregnancy-related nausea, which is sometimes called morning sickness. Here are some tips to manage nausea and dental appointments during pregnancy.

1. Schedule Appointments in the Second Trimester

Many women experience nausea most strongly during the first three months of pregnancy, with symptoms improving as they pass into the second trimester. When you need non-urgent dental care, try to schedule your appointment during the middle third of your pregnancy.

It is best to avoid the third trimester if possible because sitting in the dentist chair can be uncomfortable when you have a large bump. However, if you require urgent dental care at any stage of pregnancy, you should call your dentist right away. Some treatments cannot be safely delayed.

2. Choose Afternoon Appointments

Morning sickness usually strikes early in the day, with most women feeling better in the evening or afternoon. Pay attention to the timing of your symptoms so you can choose an appointment at the time of day when you are most likely to feel well.

3. Talk to Your Dentist

Most family dentists are used to working with pregnant patients and can offer accommodations to make the appointment easier for you. For example, you might feel less nauseous if the dentist leaves the chair upright rather than reclining it. They can also use a numbing spray on your throat to calm an overactive gag reflex. Finally, they can schedule extra time for your appointments so you can take breaks if you need them.

4. Plan Your Diet

Many foods and drinks can help with nausea, while others are more likely to make it worse. Before your dental appointment, consume natural anti-nausea foods and drinks such as ginger tea, plain toast, or crackers. Avoid dairy and fatty foods, which are likely to make you feel worse. It is generally best to avoid eating a large meal before you visit the dentist, although some women feel worse on an empty stomach, so you might like to eat something light.

5. Consult a Doctor

If pregnancy-related nausea is interfering with your ability to get dental treatment, consult your doctor for help. Doctors can prescribe medications to reduce nausea during pregnancy, making it easier for you to live a normal life. Getting the problem under control in this way could leave you more able to continue with your regular schedule of dental care.

For more information, contact a dentist.


21 April 2021