Dental Advice for the Sweet Tooth

Hey! I'm Frankie, and welcome to my dental advice blog. I'm a foodie and I love sweet treats, but I also love my teeth! It can be hard to keep your dental health in top condition when you've got a sweet tooth, but it's not impossible. Over the years, I've learned tons of great advice from friends, family members and dentists, and I'd love to share it with you. My blog is here to give you all the tips and tricks you need to stay free of decay and other tooth problems without giving up all your favourite foods and snacks.

The Essential Oils That Can Actually Help Your Dental Health

Dentist Blog

The scientific evidence behind essential oils and medicine is not always as strong as some proponents would have you believe. With that in mind, as long as you exercise a bit of caution and don't expect miracles from nothing, essential oils can certainly be of use.

Although the possibilities are wide and varied, one of the areas a few essential oils can be of particular use is with your oral health. They might not be a replacement for regular brushing, flossing and dentist visits, but they can give your teeth and gums a bit of a boost if you use them the right way. Here are the best oils to have in your dental arsenal.


Cloves have been used in traditional oral care for a long time, and clove oil has been shown to help significantly inhibit bacterial growth. It also makes a good breath freshener. Put two to four drops in a cup of water and use it as a mouthwash.

Clove oil is also useful for its anti-inflammatory and pain-numbing qualities. Put a drop or two of the oil onto a fingertip and rub it into sore gums or the area of a toothache, and it should bring some relief.

Peppermint and spearmint

Mint is always associated with dental care since it's the most common toothpaste flavouring by a long way. You can use it to make your own mouthwash using the same ratio of water to oil as with clove. Mixing peppermint and spearmint together lets you tailor the flavour to your preferences. Both mints also have mild antibacterial properties.

Tea tree

This oil has proven antibacterial properties, which makes it useful for helping you keep your mouth clean and hygienic. Use it to rinse in water, or try mixing a couple of drops into a tablespoon of coconut oil and swishing it around your mouth for ten minutes.

For extra gum disease-fighting power, put a drop or two on top of your normal toothbrush when you clean your teeth.


Remarkably, cinnamon has been tested against the specific bacteria that causes tooth decay and found effective at battling it. Make a water and cinnamon oil mouth rinse or use it in addition to your toothpaste.


A drop of lavender oil on a sore patch of gum can help bring down the swelling; it's also effective against mouth ulcers. As a bonus, lavender has a calming effect, which can help with your nerves if you don't like visiting the dentist.

For more information, contact companies like Care Dental​.


19 July 2017