Dental Advice for the Sweet Tooth

Hey! I'm Frankie, and welcome to my dental advice blog. I'm a foodie and I love sweet treats, but I also love my teeth! It can be hard to keep your dental health in top condition when you've got a sweet tooth, but it's not impossible. Over the years, I've learned tons of great advice from friends, family members and dentists, and I'd love to share it with you. My blog is here to give you all the tips and tricks you need to stay free of decay and other tooth problems without giving up all your favourite foods and snacks.

Tips For Caring For Your New Braces

Dentist Blog

If you've recently been fitted with braces, you'll be aware it can take some time to get used to them and for them to feel comfortable. It's also common to have concerns about how to care for your braces and what to do if you encounter a problem, such as part of the braces becoming damaged. Here are a few tips to help you take care of your braces and cope with common problems:

Change The Way You Brush

Brace wires, bands and springs can be easily damaged with a standard toothbrush and side-to-side brushing technique, but you still have to keep your teeth clean. You can protect your braces by brushing with an interdental brush, which is a small brush with soft bristles positioned around the circumference of a thin central wire. This type of brush is designed to fit in between your braces and teeth and you can use gentle vertical strokes to clean your teeth and braces at the same time.

If food gets stuck in your braces, try an air flosser, which sprays water and puffs of air around your gum line and between your teeth to remove food debris. This removes the risk of floss breaking an arch wire if it gets caught as you move between teeth.

Invest In A Custom-Made Mouth Guard For Sports

Wearing braces doesn't mean you have to stop playing sports, even if they are high-impact. However, you will need to protect your braces from damage that can occur from bumps, collisions and falls. Standard sports mouth guards won't fit over your braces or provide much protection, but a dentist can make you a custom mouth guard using a soft plastic that won't rub against and irritate your gum line. A custom-made mouth guard provides a cushion around your braces, and if part of your braces did become damaged, any loose parts would be retained within the mouth guard.

Carry A Repair Kit

If any part of your braces break, you should see your orthodontist to have them repaired. However, you can temporarily repair some forms of damage yourself while you wait to see your orthodontist. If a bracket becomes loose, you can use orthodontic wax to hold it in place, and this will prevent the bracket rubbing against the soft tissue of your mouth. Rubber bands are instrumental in altering the alignment of your bite, so carry spare bands to replace broken bands and prevent the risk of jaw pain as a result of missing bands putting strain on remaining rubber bands. If a wire breaks and protrudes at one end, you can move it towards your teeth with the eraser rubber on a pencil. It's small enough to get into the wire, and you can push the wire back into position until you can have it fixed.

Wearing braces takes a little getting used to, but they're not as restrictive as people tend to think they are. However, if you're struggling to adapt, discuss your concerns with your dentist or orthodontist, as they may be able to make some alterations to your braces to make them more comfortable for you.   


20 June 2017